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Availability: In Stock
Mink coat with long sleeves & english collar, worked diagonal, length 110cm, real fur mink coat BLACKGLAMA, Genuine Mink Fur, luxurious quality. Mink Fur is durable, resilient and very soft, made in Greece. Recommended for big sizes.
Шуба из меха норки Blackglama, высшей категории, диагональная раскладка шкур, английский воротник, заужена внизу, силуэт "кокон", полный рукав, занижнная пройма, OVERSIZE, длина изделия 110 см, страна-производитель: Греция
MS Mousios Furs is a family business founded in 1960 and its object is the production of finished fur garments.
Our company is located in Kastoria, fur capital of the world. For the last 18 years, MS Mousios Furs use exclusively the world famous Mink skins BLACKGLAMA, which are purchased in the two annual auctions that take place in Seattle in the United States of America (USA).